Changing lease frequency

Guide on how to adjust a tenants payment frequency

Bairave Jeyasothy avatar
Written by Bairave Jeyasothy
Updated over a week ago

Step 1

Click on the Lease tab in the property profile and view the tenant's current paid-to-date

Step 2

Click Terminate Lease. Please then enter the tenant's paid-to-date as the termination date and click save.

Step 3

You can now enter a new lease in the upcoming section.

Please ensure to add the first payment date as the paid-to-date + 1 day.

E.g. if the paid-to-date is the 25 March, the first payment date will be the 26 March.

Please follow these steps on adding and activating leases.

Your lease can now be activated at the new frequency and the Transactions tab will be populated with the next payments automatically.

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